A while back I invested in a nice lighting setup. Being two panels of fluorescent lights suspended facing either other, it gives nice, even white light that makes colours look true and my skin nice. My problem is that having no direct points of light, I lose all my holo-y goodness and that makes me sad. Which is why I've had this post sitting for a few days as it makes sad. The glitter used here is my favourite blue holo hexes and in these pictures it just looks shiny. It's the same type of glitter as this mani . To start, I used Revlon Beguile, a blue-purple duochrome. This one needed three coats as it's a little sheer. On my ring finger, Sally Hansen Celeb City as I wanted to try something different for the accent nail. Then, using my usual technique , I added the glitter. I did a slight variation this time - using Seche Vite as the glitter base as opposed to my usual no-name top coat. If you're going to use Seche Vite, just add a little patch at a ti