You might have noticed by now but I love glitter. Matte, holo, metallic, all shapes and sizes, doesn't matter as long as it's not iridescent. I hate iridescent glitter because you can't do anything with it and it keeps showing up in 12 packs I buy. Anyway, favourites of mine are my pots of gold and silver holo glitter, the ones with the black lids. Nice and evenly shaped and super sparkly, it's really good for my glitter mosaics. My silver glitter, however, tends to stick together in almost a sheet which is super annoying if you're trying to get a piece at a time. I decided to run with it this time, so let's take a look at an abstract glitter mosaic.
The Verdict: Man, Vines are really good at getting across how sparkly a thing is, especially when my lightbox is where sparklies go to die. Short of using a flash or a halogen lamp, has anyone had luck accurately capturing holo glitter sparkly inside?
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