If you've been here more than five seconds, or can even see the lovely background my friend Erica made for me, you can see I like sparkly, neon, bright, sparkly nails. Makes my bank account sad because I buy so many things just because they're sparkly, but it makes me happy. Very occasionally though, I like to go subtle. So subtle you can't tell I spent a couple hours placing glitter on my nails. Perversely, this also makes me happy because no one can tell from a distance how long this took. They just look white. YESSS.

To start, I applied two coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls then sponged on a gradient with the same white and Orly Pure Porcelain. This came out in just the very minorly noticeable gradient I wanted. I then went to work with my white square(ish) glitter. I swear, if anyone knows of a place I can get larger square glitter that is cut evenly, please tell me because everytime I try the pieces all have bits making them not square. And this makes me sad. Anyway, I went to work with my usual process, stripe of top coat and a zig-zag column of glitter down the middle, then building out either side. Then lots of top coat. Please ignore how weird my skin looks, I didn't clean off the white from the sponging properly and thought it would be easier to photoshop out the white bits than just take the photos again. SURPRISE that's a bad idea too bad.

The Verdict: I really love how this came out, especially how it feels like a secret. This could so easily have just been stickers, or stamps, or whatever, but only I (and now you know) that NOPE it took forever with glitter. This makes me happy. Yay subtlety!
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