You guys know the drill by now: if I take people from the internet out shopping I'm going to do my nails extra fancy to maximise that sweet, sweet IRL attention. I wasn't in the mood for using the super big glitter with its associated scratchiness so why not go too far in the other direction with super tiny glitter! Yeah! Sparklies!

As usual I didn't budget enough time to get this done properly so please excuse the wonkiness on my ring finger. This is the first time I've had enough colours for a proper gradient in this super small glitter size and it's always so hard to tell how long it's going to take. To start, I applied two coats of Essence Sunset Paradise and left it to dry. When you're working with tiny glitter pieces, don't let your base coats or top coat adhesive be too thick otherwise your glitter won't lay evenly and can be swallowed completely. More thin coats of top coat are better, for this size. Other than that, usual process with my orange stick - lay a column of glitter down the center of your nail which will set out the spacing for the whole nail. You can then use this guide to fill in either side. To prove why this is a good idea, I didn't do this on my ring finger because I was running out of time and paid for it in wonkiness.

The Verdict: Love the glitter colours, just wish my ring finger was a little more orderly. And that the light blue glitter was the same size. It's so hard to tell in the baggies! But sparkly! And fun shopping trip!
Oh, if you're in Toronto, just shoot me an email, I'll totes take you shopping :)
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