Today is the day that I do things that have already been done by heaps of people but I don't care cos I'm super interesting! Otherwise known as yay, I finally got the polishes I wanted from the China Glaze Hunger Games collection! It seemed like I just kept missing out on the good polishes from the collection so colour me happy when I finally found Riveting, Electrify and Smoke and Ashes at my local beauty supply store - on sale no less. Given that it seems as though the first two are designed to go together, together they shall go! First up, I added two coats of Riveting, the brilliant orange glass fleck foil. It's so sparkly and aggressively orange, it's great. Application was nice too, the two coats were plenty. Once dry, I used my usual glitter gradient trick, painting Electrify two thirds of the way down my nail on one coat, and a third down on the second. Let me tell you, the combination is super sparkly and really does look like fire. Given that I